interview with disabled eliza

If you don’t know Eliza, where have you been? Eliza is a colourful queer disabled advocate content creator from London. They have over 120k followers on instagram and post all about Disability and LGBTQ+ education and inclusion. Eliza studied and worked as a graphic designer before starting to create content about three years ago this helps them to communicate visually with their followers. Eliza is on a mission to try to make difficult topics easier to digest in small bitesize accessible chunks. Eliza not only creates content but models for brands too and when not changing the World is out for walks with their lovely dogs Pod and Pam. We wanted to get to know them better and put forward 20 questions. Heres what they said:

1. Hello! Your hair always looks incredible! What's your favourite colour combination you've tried so far? 

Ah such a tricky question ahaha!! But I LOVED having purple in the roots of my hair - however this would bleed and muddy up my hair - so my fave and most practical is yellow, orange, pink, purple so they can all blend into each other.

 2. Your style is so vibrant and unique! Where do you get your fashion inspiration from? 

Harry Styles plays a BIG part in my choices - often picking similar colours and outfits along with just brands that I like bring out new items that fit my vibe - honestly the option is most things colourful haha 

 3. As a non-binary person, how do you feel the representation of non-binary individuals is evolving in the media and influencer space? 

It's been amazing seeing more and more non-binary people in the media and on socials - I do really feel like we are being seen more! However it's also a difficult time with many media outlets posting horrible things about trans and non-binary people so it all feels a bit iffy at the moment! 

 4. What advice would you give to someone who's struggling to embrace their queer identity? 

Try to go out and meet other queer people - get involved in the culture. This way you can meet others like you and I feel like being in a group can really make you feel proud. It also takes time! Don't put pressure on yourself to feel a 'certain' way.

 5. How do you balance managing your disability while continuing to create such engaging and inspiring content? 

Simple... I don't? I work way too hard and it catches up with me! However all my content comes from day to day experiences and I just put the onto the internet in a engaging way

 6. Do you have any go-to self-care routines that help you stay positive and motivated? 

Spending time with friends and family and stepping away from online really helps!! Along with spending time in nature - I love being in the New Forest and seeing all the animals 

 7. If you could change one thing about how society views disability, what would it be?

I think I wish that people would just see us as people - not a problem and not inspiring. We are just people going about our day! I also wish people put access needs forward more as so often it's overlooked!    

 8. How do you use your platform to advocate for disability awareness and inclusivity? 

I try to think about my own experiences along with other peoples experiences too and include it within the work that I do so that it's more than just my experiences. I will also often share other disabled people's work too! 

 9. What message do you hope your audience takes away from your content? 

I hope that people learn a bit about disability and can use that in their day to day lives to be more inclusive going forward.

 10. I know you love sharks—what's your favourite species and why do you love them? 

A great white shark!! I love sharks because I feel like they are very misunderstood animals and they keep the sea running! They are so varied and have been around for SUCH a long time!! 

 11. Can you share a fun fact about sharks that most people might not know? 

Greenland sharks may live over 500 years!! 

 12. What's your favourite way to celebrate your identity and express yourself? 

Wearing colour, decorating my wheelchair and being proud of who I am, even when society doesn't want me to be! 

 13. How do you handle the challenges of being a public figure while staying true to yourself? 

Public figure feels very 'official' ahaha mainly just having good people around me, a good team, good friends and taking time away. 

 14. Can you share a moment when you felt particularly proud of your influence or impact on your community?  

My Wedding! I think a lot of people hadn't seen a wheelchair user get married so it was amazing to do this and people seemed to really like it. 

15. What are some misconceptions about being non-binary that you'd like to clear up? 

That we don't exist? I promise that we do! 

 16. If you could design a piece of clothing or accessory that represents your identity, what would it look like? 

It would of course be a SHARK bag?! I feel like a shark themed disability item could be cool too? Like a shark walking stick. 

 17. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't ask for advice from

 18. What do you enjoy doing in your downtime when you're not creating content? 

Spending time with my pups on the sofa, attending gigs, theatre or being out in nature

 19. How do you stay inspired and creative in your work? 

Taking time away to refill my cup really helps! Along with simply leaving the house as it's likely someone will be annoying about my wheelchair and I can then make content about it haha

 20. Lastly, what's next for you? Any exciting plans or projects on the horizon?

We do have a few exciting plans under NDA at the moment that will be announcing soon!! 

Want to find out more about Eliza check out their website Here

A person with vibrant rainbow-coloured hair, wearing a sequinned, colourful jumpsuit, is smiling while seated in a wheelchair. The background shows a street scene with brick houses.

Follow Eliza on socials @disabled_eliza

A non-binary person with rainbow-coloured hair is seated in a wheelchair against a white background. They are wearing a sequined dress with bright, multicoloured stripes, and are smiling at the camera.
A non-binary person with rainbow-coloured hair is seated in a wheelchair against a white background. They are wearing a sequined dress with bright, multicoloured stripes, and are smiling at the camera.